Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Law Of Attraction For Money

Most people feel they want or need more money; it is one of the first things people think of when
they look at using the Law of Attraction purposefully in their lives. We use money to buy both the
basic necessities of life but also the extra things that make our lives easier and more fun. We
exchange it for something that we perceive as being equal in value to the amount of money we
give for it.
Like everything else in the Universe, money is energy. Money is the perceived value of another
energy that we exchange it for, like a car, shoes, food etc. To experience and enjoy the energy of
the car, shoes or food, we exchange money for it.
We know that all energy vibrates at its particular frequency, so money also has a vibration. You
are also energy, and your vibration either resonates with that of money or it doesn't. How you feel
about money influences your resonance with it. If you feel good about money, your resonance is
positive and money flows effortlessly to you and through you. However, if you have any negative
feelings about money, your vibration will block the flow of money and you will find yourself feeling a lack of it.
Do you think you don't deserve to have more money or to be wealthy? Were you taught as a child
that you had to work hard or get a good education to have money? Did your parents tell you that
money doesn't grow on trees? Do you believe that money doesn't come easily to you? We believe
what we were told as children because we had no other information to compare to, but just
because we have been told something, doesn't mean we have to keep it as a belief now. Examine
your beliefs about money and you might have the key to why money doesn't seem to flow easily
to you.
Because you attract that which you think about and what emotions you feel about what you are
thinking about, you can start to understand why your financial situation is like it is. Focus on how
little money you have and you will attract more of insufficient money. Worry about how you will
get the money to pay the bills, and you will struggle to find it. Complain about how hard your life
is with insufficient money and you will continue to suffer lack of it.
Change your feelings and beliefs about money to feel comfortable and positive about it and money
will flow to you and through your life.
Try it – say things like the following statements to yourself:
· I have sufficient money to pay my bills.
· There is enough money for all my needs.
· I will get the money to pay for what I need.
If nothing else, you will feel better and worry less.