Thursday, September 30, 2010

What do Vibes Have to With the Law of Attraction?

The fundamental principle of the law of attraction is the belief that life energy attracts like energy. This means that if a person is emitting positive vibes they will draw good things to them and if they are emitting negative vibes they will draw bad things to them.
”You are a living magnet, attracting what you want.”
You have seen this principle in practice before. Have you ever known someone who was always upbeat and positive and seemed to be too lucky to be true? On the flip side, you have certainly known someone who loved to complain and look on the darker sides of life that always seemed to have something new to complain about because things were always going wrong in their life. These examples show people attracting the results of the energy they are giving off.
“Remember, you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted.”
Michael J. Losier Does this mean that all of the bad things that happen to you in this life are because you subconsciously wanted them to? This is one of the most common arguments against the concept of the law of attraction and it often the hardest to
refute because people have not yet recognized that the law of attraction is not a pipe dream or something that someone dreamed up while sitting on their porch one hot summer night. It is a fact of life, and its effects are far reaching. In answer to your question, no, not everything bad that happens in your life is a result of you subconsciously wishing for it to happen. Sometimes it is a result of someone else wishing for it to happen. To quote an example from a website pertaining to the law of attraction, a child or a spouse who is abused is not abused because they wished for this abuse to happen. This abuse happened because the abuser allowed their negative thoughts concerning their child or spouse to creep across their subconscious until they eventually began to dictate their actions.
The mind is a powerful thing, and where the mind goes the feet will soon follow. The foundation of any success you are going to encounter in lie is not the ability of your physical body to overcome the obstacles but of your mind to believe that a way lies around them. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Where your mind can believe that there is a way for the body to achieve its heart’s desire a way does exist.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The History Of Law Of Attraction

Before we go too deep into the modern applications of the law of attraction it is important that you understand that this is not simply New Age nonsense (most descriptions of the law of attraction refer to it as a product of a New Age Mentality). The principles of the law of attraction date back far beyond the new found popularity of the New Age.
The immortal Buddha was actually one of the first to introduce man to the law of attraction. He said, “What you have become is what you have thought.” This was a principle that the people of the east were acquainted with for centuries before it began to sweep into the western hemisphere.
The concept of karma also may have drawn its roots from the law of attraction. Karma states that you will eventually be revisited by that which you have sent out into the universe. If you have practiced kindness and compassion you will receive in kind. If you have been deliberately cruel to another you will receive back into your life that cruelty which you have sent out. Your actions and thoughts morph into physical entities, causing the universe to react in kind.
The law of attraction began to gain popularity in the western hemisphere in the 19th century, as people began to appreciate the power of positive thinking and apply it to their life. This new concept was first introduced to the general public by William Walker Atkinson, the editor of New Thought magazine, who published a book called Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World in 1906. As you can see, the law of attraction is not new. The concept that thought can have a predominate affect on the course of a man’s destiny has been taughtby wise men throughout the ages, and has given rise to a whole new era of beliefs.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Problems and Law Of Attraction

If you have read this far, you will be getting an idea about the Law of Attraction and how you can
put it to work positively in your life. You know about focus and thinking positive thoughts about
what you want; you understand that you need to believe and allow the Universe to bring you that which you focus positively on; you know about being open to receiving and taking action towards what you want.
But what about when things go wrong in your life, and problems pile up, one after the other,
putting your thinking back into the negative. What then?
If you notice that you seem to be attracting problems all of a sudden, make yourself aware that
you are not attending to your thoughts. Old beliefs may have started to creep back into your
thoughts. You may be caught up with thinking about what is not going right. This reaction is
natural when a series of catastrophes hits us; the more we worry about things going wrong, the
more things go wrong. It is a vicious cycle!
Stop right there!
That is exactly what you need to do! Stop running around putting out the brush fires and take
time to sit down and focus on where you are, what you want to achieve and then reach for the
best emotion you can find. Do this through gratitude; find something that is working well and be
grateful for it. Focus on this success until you start to feel better. Gradually look for other things
that are working well, and be grateful for them to raise your vibration even further.
A useful strategy in times like this is to keep reminding yourself that what you are experiencing is a temporary setback. Deliberately focus on one good thing and express gratitude for the good in your life. This will help you turn the tide back in your favor.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Law Of Attraction For Money

Most people feel they want or need more money; it is one of the first things people think of when
they look at using the Law of Attraction purposefully in their lives. We use money to buy both the
basic necessities of life but also the extra things that make our lives easier and more fun. We
exchange it for something that we perceive as being equal in value to the amount of money we
give for it.
Like everything else in the Universe, money is energy. Money is the perceived value of another
energy that we exchange it for, like a car, shoes, food etc. To experience and enjoy the energy of
the car, shoes or food, we exchange money for it.
We know that all energy vibrates at its particular frequency, so money also has a vibration. You
are also energy, and your vibration either resonates with that of money or it doesn't. How you feel
about money influences your resonance with it. If you feel good about money, your resonance is
positive and money flows effortlessly to you and through you. However, if you have any negative
feelings about money, your vibration will block the flow of money and you will find yourself feeling a lack of it.
Do you think you don't deserve to have more money or to be wealthy? Were you taught as a child
that you had to work hard or get a good education to have money? Did your parents tell you that
money doesn't grow on trees? Do you believe that money doesn't come easily to you? We believe
what we were told as children because we had no other information to compare to, but just
because we have been told something, doesn't mean we have to keep it as a belief now. Examine
your beliefs about money and you might have the key to why money doesn't seem to flow easily
to you.
Because you attract that which you think about and what emotions you feel about what you are
thinking about, you can start to understand why your financial situation is like it is. Focus on how
little money you have and you will attract more of insufficient money. Worry about how you will
get the money to pay the bills, and you will struggle to find it. Complain about how hard your life
is with insufficient money and you will continue to suffer lack of it.
Change your feelings and beliefs about money to feel comfortable and positive about it and money
will flow to you and through your life.
Try it – say things like the following statements to yourself:
· I have sufficient money to pay my bills.
· There is enough money for all my needs.
· I will get the money to pay for what I need.
If nothing else, you will feel better and worry less.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Secrets of the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction have been around for many years and is something many of us have heard of and maybe even experienced as the law of attraction works on us and everyone else in the universe without us even knowing it. The publication of "The Secret" has made more people aware of how thinking positively and understanding the law of attraction can make your life better. The law of attraction says that if you think in a positive way about things that they can happen and you can get what you want. This amazing phenomenon has helped people regain their health and healed people who were very ill.

Anyone can use the law of attraction to improve their life very easily. I recommend you to download and use Subliminal Flash program. You can add there your objectives and the program will imprint them directly into your subconscious mind with the help of subliminal messages, so the law of attraction will immediately start working for you.

You just have to believe in what you want. All you need is a good attitude in your everyday life. You have to accept that you are the only person who can alter your own reality and alter how you see things in your life. You can use the law of attraction to attract the things you desire into your life just like you would order a sandwich at a sub shop. You ask for what you want and wait for it to arrive. People often make the law of attraction more complicated than it needs to be and think they need to do wacky things like say mysterious chants or use incense to conjure up good luck. You can use the law of attraction in a private and personal way without anyone else knowing it to bring good things into your life. You just need to believe in the goodness of the universe.

It is not that difficult to learn to use the law of attraction to improve your life. You need to understand the importance of timing, though. By finding out the secrets that have helped others use the law of attraction you can learn to use it too. With the right steps at the right time, the law of attraction can bring a lot of happiness and good things into your life.

Article Source:

Friday, September 10, 2010

How Can Law Of Attraction Work For You

After all, it doesn’t do you much good to know what the law of attraction is if you do not know how to use it to achieve success in your own life. Once you have mastered the basics of the law of attraction you will be able to apply it to any area in your life.
1) The first step in finding success through the law of attraction is to accept responsibility for the things that have occurred in your life, both good and bad. This is often the most difficult part of achieving success through manifestation because we are taught from childhood to believe that our environment contributes in a large part to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It’s very hard to take the responsibility and acknowledge Click Here For More Law Of Attraction Information the fact that your environment was not the major contributing factor in each of these events; in many cases you will have no one to blame but yourself. In order to help yourself move past these events take a moment and write down on a piece of paper all of the major events in your life (again, both good and bad). Leave plenty of room underneath each one. Now, take a moment to go back and review these events. Write down what you were feeling at the time they happened, how you felt before they happened and what events had occurred prior to this. Chances are you are going to find that events occurring in your favor occurred at times when you were possessed of a positive attitude and other things in your life were going right. On the flip side, events which occurred probably happened concurrently with other events in your life which caused you to have a negative outlook on life. Coincidence?
2) Once you have accepted the fact that you are responsible for your own fate it is time to go one step further and determine what it is about your life that you would like to change. Do you want to find another job? Move to a new house? Enter into a meaningful relationship? Receive a promotion? Identify the things you wish to achieve and write them down. Display them in a prominent place; constantly being able to view the anticipated results of your endeavors will help to keep you on the right track. In essence, with the creation of this list you are asking the universe for what you want. Take the time to think on this for a while so that it is embedded firmly in your mind, and keep your goals specific; making a goal too big or too general is an almost certain guarantee that you will not be able to achieve it because you will be too busy worrying about how you are going to achieve it.
3) Raise your vibrations so that they are all positive. Act and feel as though you are confident that the end result you are hoping for is going to occur. This is an essential part of the law of attraction because it is very easy to allow your mind to begin to wander to all of the difficulties which you may encounter when trying to achieve your goals. This will cause your vibrations to become negative and will work against you rather than for you.
4) Accept that it can happen. Many times your subconscious is your own stumbling block; you will be attempting to convince your conscious mind that something can happen while at the same time your subconscious is picking out the reasons that it will never work. In order to help yourself overcome this stumbling block and have absolute faith in the fact that you will be able to effect this change in your life you should look again at the sheet of paper upon which you have written your goals and attempt to write them in terms that will help your mind and body accept them as fact.